



You can make a difference! We are desperately in need of donations if Give Me Shelter is to survive. Please give whatever you can, and rest assured that your donation is being used to help the animals. All donations are tax-deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN 20-1685522), and receipts are available upon request.

Donate by credit or debit card. No account required.*

*PayPal requires you to login if your card is already associated with a PayPal account. Otherwise you will get an error message like "Oops, something went wrong" with no further explanation.

You can also mail your donations to us at:

Give Me Shelter Cat Rescue
P.O. Box 411013
San Francisco, CA 94141

Leave a Legacy

Planned giving is another unique philanthropic tool that allows you to ensure that our work will continue into the future and fulfill your charitable objectives, while also fulfilling your own financial objectives. Planned gifts include bequests through your will, gifts that provide income to you and others for life, gifts of life insurance, charitable lead trusts, and gifts of retirement plans. These gifts can be made in cash, stocks, bonds, personal property, life insurance and real estate. Please contact your estate planning attorney for more information.